
Build, share and monetize Online Communities

Automated member management, shareable links and payments, all in one solution for creators.


Subbb is cheaper, faster and automates more than any competitor.

#ben1 added to community

#mika removed from community

Automated member adding / removing

Member stopped paying? We'll remove them.

Monetize your platforms easily

Let users explore your premium content with ease.
Active subscriber



Lifetime value: 28k RWF

Current tier: 3 Months

User ID: 447788

User Management

Manage users, update details and export your data in CSV format.


Deep analytics of your revenue, user growth and more. Export everything to CSV.
This Month:


Our pricing is creator friendly , It costs 0 to use it, We earn money when you earn money.

7% flat. or 0%

You choose who pays


You will be charged a fee for each sale made.

You pay
7% of each sale

My Members

Your members will pay an additional 7% on top of the item price

You pay
0% of each sale